Wednesday, November 2, 2016

EF 16.14: About The Insurance

For me, this Friday Challenge topic is the most difficult topic ever. I planned to write my experience about insurance but it was too long to tell. Finally, I managed to make one. The due date was October 2, but hey I still want to write about it. I think it’s fine.

I used to have an insurance in 2005. I had it from the government along with an exchange program overseas. After I returned home, I deactivated the insurance. I was a student and I didn’t really understand what it’s for. My father had two actually, but in the end he had been disappointed by the insurance companies so he stopped both.

When I got married and moved to Bogor, one of my neighbors offered me to join Prudential. She explained quite clear about the benefit and when we would get the benefit of the insurance. At that time, I was interested but unfortunately my husband and I couldn’t afford the even the cheapest monthly payment. My husband’s office still covers some medical expenses for his family so we went on without having any extra insurance.

Now, in the era of BPJS, I and my family are covered by this government insurance. Just by paying less than Rp 100.000 a month for each family member, I feel quite safe. Although I seldom get the benefit directly (since I almost always go hospitals/clinics that don’t accept BPJS), at least I don’t feel worry if I got serious disease, which I don’t want that to happen. Some of my friends already got the benefit for their surgery and stuff, although it took months to wait.  

The last case, my sister’s baby was hospitalized in ICU. She hasn’t got the BPJS for the baby, because we didn’t know that we can apply for our baby when she's still in the womb. So, my sister's husband went to several government's offices and BPJS to make sure that he got backed up for paying the ICU (the daily cost is about 2-3 million rupiahs, and usually baby stays about 2 weeks minimum). After few days taking care of the documents, finally the baby is covered by Jamkesda. It is a kind of government's insurance and it depends on the regency's financial condition.

From this case, I conclude that insurance is really important, especially the medical one. If we can't afford the private one, we can use BPJS at least. For mother-to-be, don't forget to make an account for your baby in case my sister's case happens to us.

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