Sunday, August 30, 2015

Kala Harus Naik Motor dengan Balita (part 2)

Read the first part here

Tadinya saya mau pilih sandaran, tapi harga lumayan, sekitar 400ribuan tanpa ongkir. Belum lagi saya jadi tidak bisa membonceng suami karena sandaran harus dipasang memakai sekrup. So, coret. Motor saya bukan matic, jadi kursi lipat juga saya coret dari list.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Kala Harus Naik Motor dengan Balita (part 1)

Sebelum memutuskan untuk kembali bekerja, saya berpikir tentang siapa yang akan mengasuh anak saya. Ketika akhirnya saya menemukan daycare yang sesuai kriteria, saya harus berpikir lagi tentang bagaimana saya harus mengantar jemput anak saya. Alhamdulillah ada kendaraan pribadi sehingga kami tidak perlu naik kendaraan umum. Mertua sudah mewanti-wanti kalau bisa anak saya jangan "kena angin" dulu sampai minimal usia 3 tahun. Selain karena ayah ibunya sempat bermasalah di bagian paru-paru waktut kecil, ibu mertua juga sempat merasakan betapa buruknya kualitas jalan di daerah kami. Naik mobil saja tidak nyaman, apalagi naik motor, balita pula.

Saya dan suami sempat bingung karena mobil dipakai suami ke kantor, sementara tidak ada stasiun KRL yang dekat dengan tempat tinggal kami (jika saya naik mobil dan suami naik motor lanjut KRL). Akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk 50:50. Suami mengantar anak naik mobil sementara saya menjemputnya sepulang kerja naik motor. Masalah yang muncul kemudian adalah, bagaimana saya bisa membonceng anak saya dengan aman? Usianya saat itu 22 bulan, beratnya hampir 11kg. Jelas, gendongan bayi yang biasa saya pakai sudah lama masuk kardus.

Jadilah saya hunting gendongan lagi yang bisa menopangnya dengan baik kala saya mengendarai motor. Secara tidak sengaja saya melihat seorang ibu yg membonceng anaknya yang kurang lebih seusia Aksa. Saya tanya ke ibu tersebut dimana ia membeli gendongan yang ia pakai, dan ia pun menyebutkan tokonya. Saya pun belain beli, alhamdulillah cukup, walau tali untuk badan saya terlalu pendek. Saat mencobanya, ternyata talinya tidak kencang karena bahannya hanya kain biasa.

Akhirnya saya dobel ikatan pinggang dengan jarik. Bismillah, saya coba naik motor dengan Aksa di belakang saya. Baru dua tikungan, tetangga saya sudah memperingatkan, "Bu, anaknya miring tuh!" Langsung saya balik arah, kembali pulang. Ternyata tidak berhasil. Tapi saya tidak menyerah. Saya balik posisi gendongan (tadinya saya "berinovasi" bagian pantat saya taruh punggung karena bantalannya bisa menopang kepala). Tetap saya ikat dobel dengan jarik. Suami mengikuti dengan mobil di belakang saya. Rutenya? Langsung ke daycare, kurang lebih 25 menit.

Hasilnya sangat tidak menggembirakan. Beberapa kali saya harus berhenti untuk membenahi posisi anak saya, mengencangkan ikatan, serta tatapan "aneh" dari pengendara lain yang seolah berkata, "Ibu ini gimana sih, anaknya hampir jatuh"

Akhirnya saya browsing tentang boncengan motor plus tanya teman-teman yang pernah memboncengkan balitanya. Hasilnya, saya menemukan beberapa alternatif: menggunakan sabuk bonceng, memasang sandaran di motor bagian belakang, dan memasang kursi lipat di bagian depan untuk motor matic.

Mana yang saya pilih?

Tunggu cerita selanjutnya!

Friday, August 7, 2015

EF #26: Me, The Dentist, and The Broken Molar

It took me some time to decide which experience to write. Mostly, my dentist-experience went well. Then, I thought that I needed to share the worst experience since it’s important to know before your dentist do something to your tooth.

In 2010, one of my molar teeth was broken. I ate rice and unfortunately a small rock was strong enough to crack my tooth. After asking my cousin which dentist I should go to, I went to a dentist who was my cousin’s friend. The dentist checked my tooth and said that it should be removed since the crack was big enough and couldn’t be filled. I agreed and he explained the procedure. I signed the informed consent. He told me that another dentist would do the procedure since it was a surgery and he didn’t have the right to do that.

So, I went there again the next day. This doctor, let’s call him dr.P, was as young as the first dentist. He started to inject anaesthetic to my gum, pulled out my teeth, and it failed. My tooth stood still. Then, he used a bigger tool and it was some kind of pliers. I still remember that it was so big until my mouth’s corner got blister. It took him a while until he got...the crown only! Okay, so if you don’t understand, the crown is the part of a tooth that we can see. Under the crown lies the root. He left the root in my gum.

I wasn’t panic because I thought everything was fine until the next TWO HOURS I sat there with my mouth open and got more than one injections. In the end of the session he said that he failed and I should have and X-ray and go back again the next day.

My gum was stitched with black thread (believe me you don’t wanna see that) and I cried on my way home because it was extremely painful after the anaesthetic’s gone. I tried to be strong, got an X-ray, and went back there again.

He looked my X-ray result carefully and said he found out why the crown was separated. Every tooth has two roots and this molar’s roots were bent like they were holding hands. So it’s kinda locked to the bone or something. Okay, I hope everything’s fine. Then, the surgery took another TWO HOURS. Can you believe it? It wasn’t successful!!!

The dentist said that I better go to dental hospital at Gadjah Mada University because there might be more help because there were more dentists. I couldn’t think of anything unless saying yes. Don’t ask me how it felt.

The next day I went to work with a swollen face. My face wasn’t symmetrical and one of my student’s mother asked what happened. I told her the story. Her husband was a dentist and guess what, she told me that what I experienced was a malpractice. Every doctor who is still studying to be a specialist should be supervised by his “lecturer”. In my case, dr.P did the surgery himself.

Coincidentally, the first dentist called me and said his apology and told me that I didn’t need to pay (it should be Rp 400.000). He still referred me to the dental hospital. When I went home my mother was surprised seeing what happened to me and said, “One of our relatives is a senior dentist. Go meet her.”

Alhamdulillah, my mom’s cousin is a specialist in Oral Surgery (Spesialis Bedah Mulut). She pulled out my roots only in 30 minutes without any pliers or tools that were more appropriate for wood and wall. She asked me who made me like this. When I answered “dr.P” she seemed to know who he was. It cost me Rp 800.000 because she gave me discount, plus it was a public hospital.

Lessons learned: got an X-ray before you pull out your tooth.

This is a part of BEC's English Friday Challenge. 
I mean the post, not the surgery.