Thursday, January 22, 2015

#EF3: "Ode" to My Laptop

Dear My Red Laptop,

Thank you so much for helping me this far..

Since I got you in my early career as a teacher, you never felt tired to be there for me. In the morning, I needed you to show some teaching materials, including when students asked me something I didn’t know. I typed “google” on your keyboard, and there was the answer. Then, I left you at the dormitory while I went to teach the preschoolers. 

Later in the afternoon, I got you again and we’re back together in the classroom for adults, where sometimes you’re connected to an LCD to show them some short movies. When the sun went down and the class finished, we took a rest for a while. If I hadn’t got teaching materials or icebreaking games, I would be busy looking at your screen, clicking here and there, until I found what I wanted. That’s not the end of the day because we still have the latest class at 9.30 PM although sometimes I put you in my room and taught without you.

On the weekends, you let me play tae bo or aerobic videos that I downloaded during weekdays. If I wasn’t in the mood for sport, you provided me some movies as refreshment before I made weekly reports for my manager. You were also willing to let me store a lot of pictures after I went for some photo hunting or after I attended some events. Don’t worry, I gave you enough rest and never let any single scratch landed on your body. I treated you well.

Then, we moved to Bogor. I still remembered we had that train trip only two of us. The memory of you trying to get along with a modem (not a wi fi connection as usual) is still on my mind. It was quite a challenge to start a new life, wasn’t it?

One day, I found a job vacancy on your screen, and that’s my luck to finally be accepted there as a primary school teacher. There you were, back on duty helping me cope with the new routines, and new things I should learn such as science, history, and civics. I still have the picture of you, being watched by 25 kids, when you showed them kinds of vehicles, completed with how to pronounce them correctly.

At that time, I was pregnant. When my pregnancy got bigger, and every step seemed so heavy, I still carried you on my back pack or tote bag almost every day. When the rain came, I tried my best to cover you with my raincoat although it means that part of my body became wet. It’s okay, I just want to protect you.

I’m smiling right now, although I am not writing this on you, my red laptop. Writing this made me realize how you’ve helped me this much. Too many memories I had with you.

You’re helping my husband right now, while I am using his office’s laptop. We’re kinda switching gadget LOL. It’s okay, although you sacrifice your battery to help him since he often forgot to unplug after you’re fully charged. I’m really sorry for that. I wish someday I can buy you a new battery so you don’t have to be plugged all the time when we need you.

Thank you so much. I can’t imagine how my life would be without you.

This post is a part of English Friday (EF) Challenge. Know nothing about it? 
Click here.


  1. wow, nice story mbak.
    imagine if there are no red laptop, i think your life more harder..

    i'am also member BEC, visit my blog mba :)

    1. thank you, mas
      i think so, i would go back to the books then haha
      sip, i"ll walk to your blog :)

  2. suamiku juga, kalau hujan tas laptopnya dipasangin rain cover, dianya gak make jas hujan hehehe.
    Salam kenal via BEC :)

    1. haha, iya mbak ya..kadang kita rela kebasahan asal gadget ga basah
      salam kenal juga mbak erma :)

  3. Tes lagi deh. Barusan comment kok error ya. Padahal dah isi.

    Laptopnya hebat mba. Bandel. Masih sampai sekarang.

  4. alhamdulillah ya mas, walo batere udah soak sama touch pad nya udah ga bisa dipake *eluslaptop*

  5. Nice writing, one-of-a-kind point of view, Mba Menur :) Btw, you were once a teacher, weren't you? If you don't mind my asking, was the school you work for in Bogor? I was once a high school teacher in Bogor, Parung to be exact :D hehe..

  6. Thank you, Mbak Andin :) were a teacher too? Yap it's in Bogor, but a primary school. I can't imagine teaching high-schoolers, must be so challenging :p
