Tuesday, March 31, 2015

EF#13: Moms, This is How We Do It!

Well, okay, sport. It is something that I really love doing but needs a lot of discipline (not time). Since I am basically an individual lady, I prefer to do sport alone. Thanks to Youtube and cable TV that provide me a lot of exercise videos, from pilates to high impact aerobic.

Monday, March 30, 2015

A Job for My Soul

Dulu, saya tidak suka anak-anak. Selain merepotkan, saya juga tidak dianugerahi kemampuan untuk berbasa-basi dan mengajak bermain anak kecil. So, tidak pernah terbersit dalam pikiran saya bahwa kelak saya akan menjadi guru yang mengajar anak-anak..! Setidaknya, itulah pelajaran hidup yang saya ingat sampai sekarang: jangan pernah terlalu membenci sesuatu, karena pada akhirnya Alloh akan mendekatkan kita dengan hal-hal yang tidak kita sukai just to show that nothing is bad if we want to know closer (saya sekarang bersahabat dengan “musuh” saya waktu SD, dan tinggal di kota yang saya paling tidak ingin tinggali x-))

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

EF #12: The Motorcycle Story

I have been a motorcycle rider since 2002. At that time, my father bought me a red Shogun for my 17th birthday and I started to celebrate my freedom to go everywhere I liked (without my parents to drive me or nebeng a.k.a sharing ride with friends). 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

EF #11: My Style, My Sweater

I am not a fashion blogger, but I like to read some fashion blogs. I never tried to write anything about fashion because I don’t think I am fashionable. However, I will try my best to write my first fashion related topic in my blog. It’s not that I want it, but it is part of BEC’s EnglishFriday challenge, which is to make a post about OOTD or Outfit Of The Day.

Back then when I hadn’t got any child, I really like to wear sweater. It wasn’t the thick one, so i didn’t feel hot wearing it. Now, i never wear sweater anymore because I am still breastfeeding. Instead, I wear buttoned shirt or very loose shirt to make it easier to breastfeed. Somehow I miss wearing sweater. That’s why I chose my old picture to represent my outfit of THAT day, and the style in the picture below is sooo me.

Sweater. One thing that I like from wearing sweater is that it doesn’t show your body shape. It also still looks fashionable although it is loose. I like to wear ones with interesting pattern like this Argyle pattern on my green sweater. Argyle firstly used by Scottish for their socks, but now it is widely use for cardigan or vest.

This sweater used to be my sister’s but then she gave it to me (because i kept wearing it haha). She bought it in 2011 for about Rp 108.000. I don’t know what kind of fabric it is, but it’s still in a good condition now although I wash it using a top load washing machine.

Earth, natural colors. I feel comfortable wearing natural colors because it is easy to combine, and it is quite effective to avoid saltum. Saltum or salah kostum is an Indonesian slang that describes a wrong outfit that someone wears, although for me it also explains a condition where you wear the wrong combination of clothes. Hence, it doesn’t look good.

The veil, skirt, and shoes are light brown –one of my favorite colors for outfit. The veil was a regular paris veil, while the skirt was a gift from my mom. If i’m not mistaken, she bought it in Karita (a moslem  wear store in Jogja) and it was not even Rp 100.000. I don’t have the skirt anymore since it was to tight for my standard (the shape was like a long pencil skirt) and it has a calf-lenght opening that showed my whole calf if I walked.

Flat shoes. I really feel comfortable wearing flat shoes. All of my shoes are flat ones, except the one for attending wedding party. The reason why I like them is because I am quite tall and I am a fast walker. The shoes I wore were Connexion, which I bought for under Rp 200.000 at Matahari Dept. Store. Shoes there are often on sale, so I like to shop for shoes there.

The last one, woven sling bag. I like sling bag because it is light and i don’t usually bring a lot of stuff (until I have a baby and it all changed).  It also doesn’t hurt our shoulder if we have a long walk. This bag was my sister’s that whe bought in Malioboro for only Rp 35.000.

So, that’s a bit about my classic style. What’s yours?

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

EF #10: Soto Pak Kored

This week, I and my little family are having a holiday in Jogja. During our one week trip, my husband’s aunt took us to Kebumen, a small city in Central Java. She lives there.
Since i haven’t got the chance to write for English Friday Challenge last week, so I decided to write about one of my favorite food in Kebumen.

It is Soto Pak Kored.

At first, i thought this soto would be similar to soto in general: greenish yellow soup, served with white noodle, bean sprout, sliced cabbage, and sometimes carrot (it is different in every region). For you who don’t know soto, it is an Indonesian traditional soup which is made from chicken or beef broth, served with beef or chicken chunks, vegetables such as cabbage, bean sprout, carrot, tomato, and extra topping like vermicelli or white noodle, half boiled egg, and fried onion.

Indonesia has many kinds of soto according to the region, such as Soto Lamongan, Soto Betawi, or Soto Banjar. Since the main ingredients are turmeric, ginger, garlic, shallot, and hazelnut (kemiri), it has yellowish color. Soto Pak Kored, has brownish soup. I can say it is almost black.

There’s nothing special about the look and the smell, but when I tasted it I suddenly fell in love. The reason was because I like everything sweet, and this soto is sweet! The sweetness reminds me of a small-bowl soto sulung in Magelang.

In one bowl, Soto Pak Kored only contains of chunky beef, bean sprout, ketupat (rice cake) and fried onions. However, it tastes really good and rich in flavor. Oh ya, if you like to squeeze some lime on your soto, you’ll be disappointed. They don’t serve lime, but they have  chilli sauce instead. It is okay for me since I like to taste the original flavor of dishes without adding chilli or sweet soy sauce.

After finished eating, I went to their kitchen to take a picture of ready-to-serve soto because mine was gone before I took the picture, haha.. I didn’t ask for the recipe, though. I’m afraid it would be something confidential. So, I only had some shots and went back to the dining area: an L-shape porch of a javanese traditional house.

Are you interested to go there? It is only 15 minutes away from Suwuk Beach or Petanahan Beach in Kebumen, or 17 km from the city center. So, don’t forget to put Soto Pak Kored: Asli Petanahan (originally from Petanahan) in your culinary trip wishing list.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Bukan Pornografi Bagi Kita. Bagi Anak?

Suatu ketika saya membaca artikel di tabloid hiburan mengenai tips mengajarkan anak cinta membaca. Ada enam poin yang disebut, dan poin terakhir membuat saya heran: bacaan tidak mengandung unsur pornografi. Dalam hati, saya pun tertawa. Ya jelaslah, masa orang tua memberi bacaan berbau pornografi pada anak? Mungkin kalau anak usia SD ke atas, orang tua bisa saja kecolongan memberikan komik yang ternyata di dalamnya ada konten berbau pornografi, tapi anak saya kan masih balita.

Parkventure #3: Taman Margasatwa Ragunan

Sebagai seorang jurnalis, suami saya kerap mendapatkan undangan liputan ke luar kota, dan saya hanya bisa menikmati hasil travelling gratis suami melalui foto-fotonya. T.T  Salah satu foto-foto yang saya sukai adalah ketika ia mengunjungi Batu Secret Zoo di Batu, Malang. Ini termasuk kebun binatang baru, yang pertama dibuka pada tahun 2010, sebagai bagian dari Jatim Park 2.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Kala Receh Berbuah Kecewa

Apalah artinya seribu rupiah, bahkan seratus rupiah. Bagi saya, pada situasi tertentu, jumlah sesedikit itu mampu membuat saya kecewa. Dua pihak yang hampir selalu berhubungan dengan kekecewaan saya adalah swalayan dan tukang parkir. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Parkventure #2: Taman Menteng

Sudah lama sebenarnya saya ingin mengajak anak dan suami ke taman-taman di Jakarta yang katanya bagus. Beberapa kali baca reviewnya, Taman Menteng dan Taman Surapati adalah dua dari sekian banyak yang direkomendasikan untuk dikunjungi, khususnya bersama anak.

Parkventure #1: Taman Surapati

Sabtu dua minggu yang lalu, sepulang dari TUMNgopiCantik saya mampir solat di Masjid Sunda Kelapa. Saya memang suka mencari masjid yang belum pernah dikunjungi ketika weekend-an ke Jakarta, hitung-hitung sekalian wisata masjid hehe..

Monday, March 2, 2015

Ini Olahragaku, Apa Olahragamu?

Pernahkah kita berpikir bahwa “olahraga ini aku banget” sementara olahraga lain bukan? Sebaiknya jangan buru-buru menyimpulkan ya.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

10 Things I Learned from Ollie Salsabeela

As I wrote on my previous post, I attended Blog English Club Meet Up last Saturday (28/02). This was one of my weekend trips to Jakarta that I felt enriched after. Ollie Salsabeela as the guest speaker shared her experience in blogging in an informal way, yet structured enough as we saw on her slide show. Here’s what I’ve got from her session.

EF#9: Blog English Club's First Meet Up

Have you ever read fiction books then you imagined every character? That is what I usually had in mind when I interacted with BEC (Blog English Club) members in Whatssap group. There were descriptions I built about how they looked like based on their avatar or their writings.